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博客來網路書店也有推薦[Financial Markets and Institutions]喔!
1.NEW! Coverage of the Global financial crisis throughout the text.
2.NEW! Chapter 8: Why Do Financial Crises Occur and Why Are They So Damaging to the Economy?
3.NEW! Revised Chapter 9 Central Banks: A Global Perspective
4.Restructuring of Part Ⅵ: The Financial Institutions Industry
5.Completely Revised Chapter 18 Financial Regulation.
6.Seven types of boxes enhance theoretical foundations
(1)The Practicing Manager boxes, nearly twenty throughout the book, provide hands-on applications that emphasize the financial practitioner’s approach to real-world problems.
(2)The Wall Street Journal: Following the News and Case: The Wall Street Journal offer relevant news articles that encourage students to read a financial newspaper. Explanations and analysis are provided.
(3)Inside the Fed boxes provide details on the operation and structure of the Federal Reserve System.
(4)Global boxes include interesting material with an international ? focus.
(5)E-Finance boxes relate how changes in technology have affected financial markets and institutions. The placement of these boxes illustrates the impact technology has had in a broad range of areas in finance.
(6)Conflict of Interest boxes outline conflicts of interest in different financial services industries.
(7)Mini-Case boxes highlight dramatic historical episodes or apply theory to data.
Frederic S. Mishkin
現職:Columbia University
Stanley G. Eakins
現職:East Carolina University