Probability and Statistical Inference(Included CD-ROM) 8/e網路熱賣
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.Balanced coverage of probability and statistics includes five chapters that focus on probability and probability distributions, including discrete data, order statistics, multivariate distributions, and normal distribution. The text’s second half emphasizes statistics and statistical inference, including estimation, Bayesian estimation, tests of statistical hypotheses, and methods for quality improvement.
.The solid organization presents information in a logical, easy-to-grasp sequence, incorporating the latest trends and scholarship in the field of probability and statistical inference.
.The student-friendly approach reinforces basic mathematical concepts, while not requiring extensive knowledge of math beyond calculus.
.Integration of computer-based data and applications showcases the increased use of data and the computer for calculating probabilities, analyzing data, solving problems, and conducting simulations.
.Application-oriented content features more than 100 new real-world scenarios in the exercises and examples, with applications in the areas of biology, economics, health, sociology, and sports.