
Readings in Management Accounting (Original)(6版)

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  • Readings in Management Accounting (Original)(6版)

    看過[Readings in Management Accounting (Original)(6版)]都覺得是一本不錯的好書


      For each textbook chapter there is a corresponding set of readings that complements text material and introduces you to applications of the material in a wide variety of contexts. At the end of each reading, questions test your understanding of what you have read. The readings are taken from many sources including the Wall Street Journal, Strategic Finance, Harvard Business Review, and Management Accounting Quarterly among others. They represent both classic and contemporary readings on each of the topics covered in the text.

      The best way to use this book is to read each assigned article in one sitting. Then, read the article a second time taking notes and asking yourself how the article extends your understanding of the text material. In some cases, your instructor may assign specific questions that follow each of the readings. Taking the time to answer these questions thoughtfully will improve your understanding of the material. I hope you find the articles stimulating and thought- provoking.


      ◎蒐錄與Atkinson/ Management Accounting 6/e章節內容相關之近期之商業時事與學術文章,可作為搭配授課主教材之一。



    S. Mark Young

      現職:University of Southern California


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