
Core Principles and Applications of Corporate Finance 3/e

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  • Core Principles and Applications of Corporate Finance 3/e

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    Fully updated to include all new chapter openers and all new end of chapter problem, as well as the following coverage:

      1. New material on corporate governance and regulation, including Sarbanes Oxley, in Chapter 1

      2. Improved discussion of financial ratios e.g. EBITDA and EV in Chapter 3

      3. New material on the full payout model in Chapter 9

      4. New material on global equity risk premiums and the global market collapse in Chapter 10

      5. New material on how to estimate the WACC in Chapter 12

      6. More material on bubbles in Chapter 13

      7. Updated data on capital structure in Chapter 15

    Enhanced Features for Global Edition

      1. A completely rewritten chapter on International Corporate Finance.

      2. New chapter openers that address topics of interest in global corporate finance. Examples include capital budgeting and evaluation behind projects like the highly anticipated Sunda Strait Bridge in Indonesia and Hyundai Motor Company’s new $750 million car plant in Brazil, as well as the financial structuring decisions of companies such as Transocean Ltd. of Switzerland, DIFC Investments of Dubai, and Minear ILR of Peru.

      3. Global Perspective boxes explore situations found in recent financial publications and build upon concepts learned in each chapter. For example, why do all countries underprice the IPOs of their common stock?

      4. Revised End of Chapter problems

      5. Special Global Edition of Connect Finance, McGraw-Hill’s web-based assignment and assessment platform, which helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge.


    作者:Stephen A. Ross
      現職:Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    作者:Randolph W. Westerfield
      現職:University of Southern California

    作者:Jeffrey Jaffe
      現職:University of Pennsylvania

    作者:Bradford D. Jordan
      現職:University of Kentucky


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